+968 22455300 26.4 ℃

Fun Run

Active since April 1997. Since then a weekly run is held and we overpassed 1295 runs since those early days


  • To promote social gathering between its members and encourage a healthy way of living through sport. Everyone can participate and have fun!


  • Weekly run held on every Thursday with available distances of 2km, 4km and 6km. Everyone can participate being members of the RAH Club or not. The time keeping is done by the committee members and will be shared with the runners who wish to receive the weekly email. Once a year we have the anniversary of the club.


Since 2018 the Fun Run bestows the Paul Vlaarkamp Trophy for the male and female runner with most runs on a civil year. Paul was one of the most prolific runners with recorded 505 runs and a very dear friend of all runners.