+968 22455300 20 ℃

Hispanic Community Section

Promoting the approach of the Hispanic culture, Oman and the different cultures within the Ras Al Hamra Recreation Center is the aim of the Hispanic section.


Our mission:
To be a non-profit section managed by committed volunteers, which functions as the origin of initiatives that promote the approach of the Hispanic culture towards the culture of Oman and the other different cultures within the Ras Al Hamra Recreation Center, maintaining our moral values ​​and the always respect for the environment, in addition to complying with all laws and regulations of the Sultanate of Oman.


Vision & objectives:

• Disseminate our culture in the best possible way through different events that unite all those associated with the PDO club.
• Maintain cordial relations with the rest of the cultural sections.
• Strengthen our culture and language in our children.
• Collaborate with charities within the limits of the laws of Oman.


Our values:
• Hispanic Language as the main link within the members of the Section.
• Family as the fundamental axis of society
• Hospitality opening up the opportunity to get to know each other across cultures, opening our arms to change but without letting go of our values.
• Joy and spontaneity reflected in our festivities and activities.
• Gratification by being able to offer happiness to others less favored through charity.
• Union with the environment, appreciating and valuing being able to enjoy nature in Oman.